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Global warming,

We are experiencing moments of great concern in a small town in the jungle. Patria, it is a town dedicated to agriculture between the cloud forest and the rain forest, perhaps it is a consequence of the warming Global a phenomenon that is affecting the inhabitants of the jungle and mountains of Peru as other places in the world. With 2,000 inhabitants in recent years, less rain is latent and every time the streams, aguajales in the jungle are drying up and also the disappearance of some animals that were very constant to see, such as lizards, snakes and some birds and some mammals perhaps due to the few rains and the excessive heat that they make in these valleys, It is a great pity that many very green places now look very dry and the locals feel very concerned about the situation and it gets worse every year there are hours between 9am and 2pm, they are unbearable hours That the people of the town prefer to work in the afternoon and nights, but at the same time it is dangerous because they are exposed to tarantula bites, spiders and very poisonous ants like snakes, the inhabitants of this place are mostly farmers, They live in an area that is protected by the state, with the Manu biosphere, one of the most pristine places on the planet where only authorities and researchers are allowed to enter, complying with all the protocols and care to enter these places, the Peruvian state is in charge of protecting and caring for all the existing biodiversity in the place, there are NGOs that help in the conservation of the flora and fauna of Manu, even so there is a lot to work and manage with the authorities and the people in general so that they support and help in Its conservation It is said that this place is one of the lungs of the world, located in the Peruvian Amazon, our duty is to conserve and care for this biosphere, perhaps we will start reforestation campaigns in some areas where there was deforestation with native species. Around this protected area there are still indigenous peoples or native communities that still maintain their customs and traditions and are considered a heritage for the state, these communities many of them are nomads survive thanks to hunting and fishing in a sustainable way like the first settlers from the area the Apus worship the mountains and the rivers the yacumama, sachamamá the oldest trees, they are wise communities that there is much to learn from it.